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3月 30, 2011

Blogger Template 模版大匯整

其中我個人試過 FalconHive 的,很精緻!很多都非常令人驚豔,像 Zinmag Tribune 2.0 ;Blogger Styles 的還有作 Browser 的測試和星等評比,最重要的是全部都是免費的而且都可以很正常運作,馬上連上去尋寶吧!。為自已的Blogger改頭換面一下吧!

  1. BTemplates. A free directory of user-submitted templates, classified by type and/or features.
  2. The Cutest Blog on the Block. Run by Becky and Ashley of 2 Moms Talk, this site offers free, premade layouts, as well as customizable backgrounds.
  3. Blogger Styles. Gallery of submitted templates, ranked by visitors and includes detailed configuration instructions.
  4. FalconHive. Conversions of WordPress templates upon request, along with archive of past conversions.
  5. All Blogspot Templates. Templates in 1-, 2- and 3-column options. Also includes AdSense-ready templates.
  6. Zona Cerebral. Spanish site with dozens of templates to choose from, including several converted WordPress themes.
  7. Quite Random. A number of free templates, and several Blogger-specific tutorials regarding setup and layout editing.
  8. ChicaBlogger. In Spanish, templates designed primarily for women.
  9. Deluxe Templates. Hundreds of templates, including many converted WordPress themes. Also has a nice "tips & tricks" section for customizing Blogger.
  10. Pyzam. Thousands of templates, browsable by category and sortable by recency or popularity.
  11. Our Blog Templates. 160+ free templates, all well-labeled for easy browsing to find the one you want.
  12. eBlogTemplates. Combination of free and premium templates, and a wealth of tips for tweaking your Blogger blog.
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